Monday, August 24, 2009

Gentry-Garrett Debate on Baptism

Debate with John R. Gentry of the "Church of Christ." John pastors a church in Galena, Indiana.

Debate in Monroe, N.C. at the location of Emmanuel Theological Seminary and Crossroads Baptist Church at 3300 N. Rocky River Road.

Thursday Night - August 13th, 2009

The Scriptures teach that water baptism is essential for the alien sinner to obtain the forgiveness of his past sins.

Affirm: Gentry
Deny: Garrett

Friday Night - August 14th, 2009

The Scriptures teach that the alien sinner is forgiven of his past sins by faith, before and without water baptism.

Affirm: Garrett
Deny: Gentry

The following posts contain materials used in this debate.

1 comment:

Denis Tarko said...

Creedentials don't mean anthing to me, what means to me, is the Bible Truth, that is all, We are not to puff up ourselves of our accomplissements, but to put Christ in the foremost in our minds and in the forefront of our actions. His truth is far better that someone's creedentials... I am a christian and a member of the Lord's Church. The Church of Christ.

Mr. Garret
Questions that you should ask yourself and then go to the Bible to have the proper answers are these.

1)Were you saved before being baptised? (By that of course I mean immersion) Give answer here ______
2) Were you in Christ before being immersed (baptised)? Your answer here ___________
3)Were your sins erased or forgiven (remission) before being baptised? Give here your answer _______
4)Were you added to the Church before being immersed (baptised)? Give answer here ________

After you have honestly answered these questions, then I will give you the real true bible answers, and only then upon your fulfilling these questions, it will be my pleasure to do so. My name is Denis Tarko, my E-mail is and my web site is
My nickname on the Internet is Le Moine : Denis le petit espiègle
(The Monk : Denis the Menace)