Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Eternal Security Debate

As previously announced, John Gentry of the Galena, Indiana "Church of Christ," and I will have our second debate on "eternal security," or "once saved always saved" (OSAS) on Thursday November 5th and Friday November 6th at 7 PM. It will be held on the campus of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Ky. I will announce the specific place on campus in a few days when I receive official confirmation from SBTS.

The proposition for Thursday Night

The Scriptures teach that a child of God, one saved by the blood of Christ, can so sin as to be eternally lost in hell.

Affirm: Gentry

Deny: Garrett

The proposition for Friday Night

The Scriptures teach that a child of God, one saved by the blood of Christ, cannot so sin as to be eternally lost in hell.

Affirm: Garrett

Deny: Gentry

When John and I were discussing propositions through e-mail exchanges, I said "I have no problem with the propositions you offered on the eternal security topic, although I would have worded it differently. But, we won't squabble over semantics." It is not technically "apropos" to affirm a negatively worded proposition. But, I decided it was not worth the squabble and is the opposite of his proposition.

I am preparing the material for the debate and am looking forward to it. I pray God gives us a safe journey to the debate. Dr. Griffin is planning to go with me and be my moderator and some other brethren from the local area may be also going.

It is my hope to be able to spend some time in the SBTS library hunting for info for my historical studies on the Hardshell Baptists.